One of our goal at 1-2-1 Connections is to direct people to a local church.  This is a very important part of the discipleship process.  In our message templates it states: "If you need help finding a church near you, I will be happy to recommend one.  There you will find friends who will encourage you and help you understand the Bible. Simply reply to me with the name of your city and I will provide you with options."  If the inquirer is in the United States, there is a great resource at our disposal to help them find a church.  The Assemblies of God USA has provided the Church Finder Tool  Simply fill out the information requested and it will give you a list of the churches in the area. 

Click on the web page example below.

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For all other countries, please refer your request to your Coach or Manager for help.

If you did a search for the city sent to you by the Inquirer and did not find a church, you might try widening your search to a larger area within driving distance.  Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any question or need help! 

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