Your Dashboard
Click here to view introductory video
Welcome to the 2016 version of 121 Connector software. Our system has been completely redesigned but retains most of the same functionality as our previous version.
When you first log in to our system, you will see your dashboard. (Click on image for full size image.)
This page contains all the inquirer queues that you and your teams have access to. You will see the inquirer's name, time on the queue, the website they came from, their decision type and the group they are queued to.
You can use the sort icons next to the column titles to change the sort order. You can also use the Items Per Page drop down to see more or fewer inquirers per page. If you have a slow internet connection, you may want to select 10 or 25 per page to speed up your view. On the right hand side, you can select the page you desire to view.
1. Your Inbox
My Messages is where your ongoing communication with inquirers resides. Click here to view more information about My Messages.
2. Select Language Interface
The Connection software is being translated into languages most used by our connectors. To change the language of the interface (the program itself, not the language you use to communicate with inquirers), select a language from this dropdown.
3. Options
This dropdown allows you to change your personal information, notifications, etc. Click here to view help about Options.
4. Message from the manager
Please be sure to read the information in this area. Our manager may place important notifications here.
5. Inquirer Information
Move your mouse cursor over the "eye" to see more detailed information about this inquirer. (This is similar to "More Information" in the old system. Most connectors use this feature to see if they desire to answer a specific inquirer.
6. Reply to this Inquirer
Click on the reply icon to reply to this inquirer. Click here to view more information about replying to an inquirer.