There are two ways to reset your password.  One way is provided for those that have forgotten their password and is "outside" the program.  Passwords can be changed without logging in, for those who have forgotten their password.  A separate article is provided with instruction for those who forgot their password and cannot log in.  You can find that article here: Resetting your password if your forgot your password. This article however is for those that want to update their password on a regular basis and is done after logging in. To change your password after logging in, go to the upper right-hand corner of the page and "click" on your name.

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After "clicking" on your name, scroll down to "User Profile".  




After "clicking" on "user profile", your will be taken to a screen with a button for resetting your password.  "Click" on the blue button: "Change Password".



After "clicking" on the blue "Change Password" button you will be taken to a box to submit your new password.  You must type your password twice.




After clicking, "Save Changes" the process is complete.  Click the close button and make sure to note your new password.  If you have any problems or questions please contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also call our office at: +1-417-866-4479.







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